These are some animals that behave similar to human

This page will help you understand why the behaviors of the following animals resemble the behaviors of humans

The Primates

Chimpanzees contain metacognition, that is, they can reflect on their own thoughts and mental processes. According to the authors, these primates are aware of what they know and what they do not know, and they are modified in that they are changes of showing more or less confidence in their responses and behaving accordingly.

The Ants

Ants: Ants have the ability to control lice on farm plants and force them to harvest the sweet nectar they secrete. These make sure that they do not escape by producing a chemical that forces the lice to move slower, this prevents them from escaping.

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The Crow

Crow: New Caledonian crows seem to have the ability to invent tools. in 2002, the science magazine reported on a crow that bent a wire into a hook to remove the fish.

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The Dolphin

British scientists have shown that bottlenose dolphins call their mates using individual whistle patterns. In other words, dolphins use something that is comparable to our names. Apparently, they develop their individual series of whistles as a hallmark from a very young age.

Singularidades extraordinarias de animales ordinarios (XVI): el delfín

The pigs

Pigs have a long-term memory, as some behaviors can be observed by observing their relatives. Scientists discovered that by working with the Kune Kune pigs, the pigs repeated what they learned half a year later, demonstrating that they have a long-term memory.

precios mundiales del cerdo

The Pigeon

Pigeons are aware of themselves since they can be recognized when looking in a mirror, this serves to distinguish intelligent animals from those that act on their instincts.

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The Lions

Lions are related to humans since they, as humans, mark territory on the planet, so these territories are called countries, cities or towns.They are also (almost all) faithful to herd

León, Características - BioEnciclopedia

In conclusion, there are many animals whose behaviors closely resemble those of humans.

Jorge Luis Farfán Ruiz
Juan David  Jerez Gomez
Armand Jhoan Farfán Uribe 


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